What is a homeschool conference?

A homeschool conference is a great way to hear many homeschool speakers and leaders share their passion for homeschooling.  Frequently, they have curriculum sales at the same time.

I would encourage each of you to attend a homeschool conference.

lharmas conference


is a local homeschool conference. Gathering celebrating and discussing the ideas of Charlotte Mason, and how to live while learning alongside your children.
Visit the l’HaRMaS site and see who is contributing their journey and insights and expertise.
l’HaRMaS is local, right here in Essex County. Join us!

RVHEA conference


is presenting a conference which has a Christian focus, and where Christian values will be discussed, however, all are welcome to attend.

OCHEC conference

The Ontario Christian Home Educators’ Connection (OCHEC)

is a Christian organization. It bases all of its policies and actions on Christian principles and takes the Bible as its moral and spiritual guide. Officers of the Board of Directors, staff members, and Area Representatives must be believers in Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour.

KATCH conference

KATCH Conference 

Join us at Fleming College, Brealey Drive, Peterborough, ON to learn and connect with home educators from the surrounding area.  Be encouraged and reminded why what we have been called to do is so vitally important for our children and families!


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